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Mokai Brine Dump System Upgrade

Mercury NZ Limited

  • Company: Mercury NZ Limited
  • Location: Mokai
  • Date: 2018
+ Overview

2017 / 2018

Mercury undertook an upgrade of the Brine Dump system at Mokai Power Station to improve the capactiy and reduce the likelihood of a seperator overrun scenario.  CMS fabricated and installed two new brine mufflers and installed a new pipeline between the seperator area and the brine muffler area.  We also disconnected the existing lines and valves and installed new a new manifold and completed the tie in work from the new pipeline to dump valve.

Listing Lead In Text:

CMS fabricated and installed two new brine dump mufflers

Mokai Brine Dump System Upgrade
Mokai Brine Dump System Upgrade
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